Shasta Townsend interviews Brenda about what Kirtan is, how she came to chanting, why Westerners are so drawn to the practice and much more.

Listen to Shasta’s interview with Brenda here: Possibility 101

Sacred Wisdom Centre presents:

David Darling

in Guelph Tuesday, May 10th, 2011

9:00am-4:30pm at Harcourt United Church

Music for People Workshop

Music For People workshops sometimes called “Finding Your Long Lost Musician” and at other times “Music for Self Expression” are energetic, physical and humorous experiences that are absolutely open to all, no matter what previous music background. A participant can be a total novice or a professional musician. All instruments and singing styles are welcomed. A piano and percussion instruments will be provided although we encourage everyone to bring their own instruments. Electric instruments are also welcomed and those playing guitars and electric pianos should bring amps.

The nature of the workshop is to play and improvise in small ensembles and for the most part the entire workshop presents how easy it is to become a musician who listens deeper, hears deeper and discovers ways to play with others in an easy way. $85.00 incl. H.S.T.

May 10th, 2011 7:30pm-9:30pm at Harcourt United Church

Solo Cello and Voice Concert

David Darling (with Canadian artists Brenda McMorrow and Debbie Danbrook)

The concert features music from many genres including jazz, classical, ethnic, folk songs and contemporary to avant-garde improvisations. David invites the audience to participate from time to time and the cello and voice are both amplified and acoustic. $20.00 incl. H.S.T.

To pay on line: or by cheque to Sacred Wisdom Centre, 304 Stone Rd., W., suite 529, Guelph, ON N1G 4W4. For information contact: